Award Winning Book

The Little Book Of Greatness

This award-winning book uses a parable to teach The 5 Keys To Greatness, which is an easy-to-remember framework to unlock a life of everyday greatness.

The Better Quality of SOMETHING

The Cambridge Dictionary defines “greatness” as the “very good quality of something.” YOU get to define what greatness means to you.

Greatness means something different to each and every one of us; that is why motivational speaker Ari Gunzburg inspires others to find the greatness that means the most to themselves.

The story starts with David, the main character, sitting on a cliff, overwhelmed. He is frustrated, and at the end of his rope. He meets a man, who urges him to go meet a few people, to learn about something that may change his life.

David slowly meets each one of the keyholders, learning about a new key from each person. By the end of the book, David (and the reader) have a thorough understanding of The 5 Keys To Greatness and how they can help each and every one of us unlock our own greatness.

The whole book on average takes 3-4 hours to read, so you can start and finish the book in an afternoon.

The lessons you learn will last a lifetime. The 5 Keys To Greatness is kind of like poker: quick to learn, but a lifetime to master.

“Shoot for the moon – because even if you miss, you will land among the stars.”

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Other Books By Ari Gunzburg

“You can certainly imagine that Ari Gunzburg has compiled into a creative narrative the resources and materials of the motivational presentations and workshops he gives in the real world – and he does so tremendously well; Ari is every bit as good an author as he is an inspirational mentor.”

Matt McAvoy, Author & Editor

Contact Ari Gunzburg

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